hardwood flooring

Six Flooring Mistakes to Avoid in Your Home

Congratulations! You?ve decided to refresh your home, and that includes some new flooring for your Santa Ana house. It?s exciting and overwhelming, what with all of the choices, colors, patterns, designs.

How do you choose? Well, Sharon & Sons, one of the largest flooring installation stores in the area, isn?t going to tell you what you select, but, rather, what to avoid.

Mistake #1: ?I?ll save money by installing it myself

Mistake #2: I?ll save money by hiring the cheapest installer.

Responses: These go together, because the reasons for both are pretty much the same. The last thing you?ll want to do is use your flooring installation as a learning ground, Santa Ana. First, in a perfect world, all rooms would be a regular square, but they aren?t. There are baseboards, moldings, odd-shaped corners and closets with which to contend.

Also, every single type of flooring has its own requirements, techniques and tools. You, or an installer might need to install carpet, but have no idea what a knee kicker is, or how to keep the carpet laying flat on the floor, and not up the wall.

There may be subfloor problems that need to be fixed before laying the surface floor. That won?t faze a pro, but it surely will confuse you or someone inexperienced.

Mistake #3: ?I don?t need to clean my carpet. Vacuuming is fine.?

Mistake #4: ?When the time comes, I?ll just rent a machine and do it myself.?

Mistake #5: ?No big deal, I?ll just hide the stain under a piece of furniture.?

Responses: First, professional carpet cleaning is just a regular, and necessary, part of maintenance to keep the carpet looking great. It?s like a blouse; when you don?t take it to the cleaners regularly, it always looks grimy.

Second, the good thing about carpet is that the fibers trap dust mites, pollutants and other undesirable substances. The bad is that vacuuming alone won?t get them out. Only professional cleaning will.

Third, there are too many rookie mistakes if you DIY. You might use the wrong detergent or too much detergent, not rinse well, and not dry it fast enough, thereby allowing mold and mildew to grow.

Four, if you don?t remove a stain it sets. Need we explain further?

Mistake #5: ?I love hardwood in the kitchen, but that room is prone to leaks. Oh, well, I?ll just install it and keep a close watch.?

Response: Um, no. Excessive moisture can warp the wood, and leaks just don?t happen according to your schedule. If in doubt, select something else.

For flooring in Santa Ana, come into Sharon & Sons. Our showroom is in, you guessed it, Santa Ana.